Archive for June 27th, 2009

Gov. Rendell Says We Can Afford a Tax Increase, but Let’s Look at the Real Numbers

Written by Roberta Biros

While the budget battle continues in Harrisburg, we are being bombarded with misstatements from the Governor’s office that are intended to muddy the waters even more for taxpayers. In an effort to pull the wool over our eyes, the Governor continues to throw out one fabrication of facts after another.

Nathan Benefield of the Commonwealth Foundation put together a great piece today that outlines one of the latest (and most infuriating) mistruths from the Governor’s office . . .

Gov. Rendell argues we can “afford” a tax increase because Pennsylvania has the “2nd lowest” flat rate, or top rate, of states with income taxes.

In Nathan’s article [read the full story HERE], the Commonwealth Foundation clearly and carefully debunks the Governor’s suggestion that we can “afford” a tax increase by stating the facts as follows:

Once again, Rendell’s rhetoric distorts reality. Nine states have no income tax, or only assess it on interest and dividends (not coincidently, these states have the strongest economic growth). Most states have lower rates on the first few thousand dollars of income. Most have personal exemptions, marriage and child deductions, and other credits or deductions that lower their overall tax burden. And most states have no local tax income taxes, like Pennsylvania does.

In reality, Pennsylvania ranks 16th highest in state and local income taxes. More importantly, Pennsylvania’s overall tax burden is even higher, 11th highest in the country, to be precise. Rendell’s latest proposal would only further hinder our economic competitiveness.

The Governor historically twists numbers to suit his personal agenda. Luckily the taxpayers in Pennsylvania have become accustomed to the tactics and they are able to see through the smoke and mirrors. While our legislators in Harrisburg are arguing over whether to “cut costs or increase taxes”, we as taxpayers (and their bosses) need to let our voices be heard. There are a few ways to do that . . .

  1. Sign the petition and submit your video or comments. CLICK HERE to access the website.
  2. Sign the petition and submit your comments. CLICK HERE to access the petition.
  3. Join in the on-going Pennsylvania Taxpayer Protest by being part of the “Post It Campaign” in order to remind your legislator that you DON’T support tax increases. CLICK HERE to read more.
  4. Attend a local protest to show your support. CLICK HERE to read about the TEA Party that is scheduled in downtown Mercer on July 4th.

It is NOT TOO LATE to get involved. We still have time to convice our legislators that a TAX INCREASE is NOT ACCEPTABLE.


June 2009